Northwest PICinc
Are you looking for a job? Do you need additional training?
We help job seekers find
jobs and update skills for future career success
It can be difficult at times to see change as opportunity, but if you can, we can help you make a huge difference in how the next stage of your life can be with a vision for a new or improved career pathway! We contract with Inter-County Community Council, which has a staff of professional career counselors who can help you identify a direction and prepare for a plan that could include training or retraining.
We fund scholarships each year for youth (young adults under the age of 24) and adults to attend programs for in demand occupations at approved educational institutions.
Dislocated Workers
If you've lost a job because of company downsizing, buyouts or layoffs, your top priority is finding a new job. If you are interested in pursuing a different occupation or are unsure what the next step in your career path might be, our trained, professional career counselors can work with you to develop a plan.
If you fall within income guidelines or are receiving public assistance, we can help you determine how to increase and market your skills to earn a higher wage.
Career Services
Universal services are training and job hunting assistance available to anyone who visits the offices of the Workforce Center, regardless of program eligibility.
These services include, but are not limited to:
Skill training in reading, math, job and life skills
Post-High School Education Assistance
Goal Setting
Career Counseling and Exploration
Tests and Assessments to find your interest levels and skills
Referrals to other service agencies that may be of assistance
Paid Work Experience Programs with local employers
Job Placement Assistance
Assistance with resumes, job applications, and interview preparations
On-the-Job Training Opportunities
Introduction to listings of regional job openings
Budgeting assistance
Supportive Services such as transportation, childcare, housing, etc. may be available if you are eligible for one of our programs.
For personalized help, please stop in to speak with a representative at your local workforce center or contact us for more information.
For online help with job-seeking information or learn about unemployment benefits, visit the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development